From Skeptic to Advocate: My Tailwind Journey

Computer screen displaying CSS attributes and classes
Photo taken by Pankaj Patel -


If you told me a couple of years ago that I would become an advocate of Tailwind CSS, I would have probably laughed it off. My initial impressions of Tailwind CSS were anything but positive. The markup looked overcomplicated, with classes that eerily reminded me of my experience with Bootstrap. I found it more confusing than helpful, and the myriad of classes seemed more likely to add clutter than clarity. But as the saying goes, "Never judge a book by it's cover."

Seeing the Tailwind CSS Light

Fast forward to today, and here I am, an ardent supporter of Tailwind CSS, confessing that I was wrong to judge it prematurely. My perspective took a complete 180-degree turn when I recently used Tailwind CSS to overhaul this blog - the same site you're reading this article on right now.

In the process, I discovered that Tailwind CSS, instead of adding complexity, actually enhances readability and makes the entire development process smoother. It might appear counterintuitive at first, but once you grasp its modularity and utility-first principles, you'll see that it offers an unrivalled level of efficiency and control over your designs.

Why Tailwind CSS Improved My Workflow

Tailwind CSS operates on a "utility-first" principle, which, contrary to my initial impressions, simplifies the process of building web interfaces. Instead of writing new CSS classes for each design component, you use existing utility classes directly in your HTML.

This might seem overwhelming at first glance, with seemingly endless classes littering your HTML. However, I found that this approach improved readability by making the styling choices immediately evident within the markup. Instead of constantly flipping between HTML and CSS files, I was able to discern at a glance what every piece of my markup was doing, which significantly improved my development speed.

Pairing Tailwind CSS with Astro

In my journey, I found Tailwind CSS pairs perfectly with Astro, the front-end framework. Astro’s HTML-first nature complements Tailwind's utility-first approach, making it a match made in heaven. The result is a highly efficient, lean, and fast development process. The way Tailwind and Astro interact cuts down unnecessary clutter and bolsters performance, offering a development experience that's hard to match.

My experience with Astro has shown that it plays well with Tailwind’s JIT (Just-In-Time) mode, which ensures you’re only ever serving the minimal necessary CSS. This results in lightning-fast load times for your projects, making for a much better user experience.


While I initially dismissed Tailwind CSS as overly complex and unwieldy, my experience redesigning this blog transformed my perception entirely. Tailwind CSS not only improved the efficiency and speed of my development process but also enhanced the readability and performance of my projects.

My journey from skeptic to advocate for Tailwind CSS taught me a valuable lesson - sometimes, the best way to understand a tool is to work with it hands-on. If you're on the fence about Tailwind CSS, I encourage you to take the leap of faith. You might just find it as revolutionary as I did.

Authored by Alan Martin on July 16, 2023

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